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Chartwell's Palomo Speaks on possible Amendments to the NDAA

Chartwell Strategy Group's Palomo speaks on the possibility of adding programs and amendments to the annual NDAA

“We’ve been monitoring because so few pieces of legislation this year will move, and this is one of them,” said lobbyist Ozzie Palomo, a founder of Chartwell Strategy Group.

The farm bill, credit card fees, and other pending items will have champions eyeing the defense bill. But it won’t be easy, Palomo predicted.

The measure won’t be suited to everything on lawmakers’ and lobbyists’ wish lists. “If the tax bill doesn’t find a home between now and then, the NDAA is not going to be a vehicle for that, in my opinion,” Palomo said, dampening the hopes of already despairing tax lobbyists.

Read the full article here.